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Sunday, November 8, 2009

What a trip!

I can't believe that a month has gone by. I've just returned from my month long 'vacation' to California and I had a wonderful time. It was such a great time to be able to spend in my hometown. It was awesome to be able to catch up with friends that typically I only get to see over a weekend when we visit each other. I loved being able to grab lunch with my best friend, take our kids to the pumpkin patch. I loved that Ace got to see his Grandma every day for a month! It was just perfect. I am so blessed to have a husband willing to let me have my adventures (and join me for a couple of them as well!)

Yes, in this past month I've been to Palm Springs, San Diego, Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, the beach, and Disneyland. We've been to a wedding, a pumpkin patch, Halloween, and several malls. I've been to and from the airport a zillion times it seems like, and Ace has done amazingly through it all. He sleeps anywhere (albeit far later than his typical bedtime) and takes everything in stride and takes it on as if it is an adventure. He made new friends and LOVES Abby. He loves his Auntie and his Grandma and can point to both of them in pictures. It warms my heart that my son was able to be around both his Grandma and his Auntie enough to create the relationship and for the bond to form. It's has been a great month.

We have missed dad, Loving Husband very much though. Ace on Friday when we took him to the airport to go home cried something fierce not wanting dad to leave, again! Loving Husband misses us and doesn't like being away either - and I have to say that the 'single parent' role is tough! Kudos to all you single parents. Whew! It wears me out being the only parent most of this month. It's been hard. Grandma certainly has been a tremendous help.

I certainly was sad to leave, but oh so glad to get home.

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