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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We interrupt our regularly scheduled snowy posts to announce that we had another round of sickness in the night. Ace went to bed last night at his normal time, in a happy mood. I went to bed somewhat late because I stayed up to watch the news and the weather madness and then I came and read until 1am... oops! Considering I still felt pretty awful, it wasn't the best move. I myself have been sick for the past week (literally) with what I am pretty sure is two separate viruses. It appears I have passed those onto my boy. Loving Husband came to bed around 2:30am after enjoying some game play.

I awoke at 3:15 to a cough across the hall. The one that causes my heart to stand still... but it was just a cough, so I relaxed and tried to go back to sleep. A few minutes later there was another, this time I got up and went and checked on my boy. He was sleepily awake, but said he was ok. I said a prayer and sang a requested song and came back to bed. At 3:30 there was the telling and 'productive' cough and his bed was then covered in vomit. :( Sad! Dad took over Ace duty, I got his bed cleaned up, stripped, and the laundry started. Ace said then he didn't want to sleep in his bed anymore - poor guy! Of course not, Bear you can sleep with us! So the extra layering of towels went down and he came to bed with us.

From 3:30am-6:30am were several more rounds of vomit, several outfit changes for both he and me, and the stripping of the protective coverings and blankets that Ace was covered in. Needless to say we've got a LOT of laundry to do later on today. We finally 'gave up' on sleep after 6:30 since he wasn't able to sleep for any length of time between being sick, and he needed to be sitting upright. We're pretty sure part of the problem was his inability to cough up the post nasal drip he had - so it was getting into his tummy and also gagging him. Poor thing.

Loving Husband on one hour of sleep and clean up duty of Ace being sick - brought up a television and dvd player to our room and Ace requested Cars be put on to be watched. He started to doze.

He quickly stirred himself awake and started to watch the show. We gave him a saltine and some 7up. He slowly drank and after 6:45am had no more throwing up. PTL! At that time Loving Husband took his leave to go get some sleep downstairs so that he could function for work - and the boy and I stayed in bed watching Cars. He kept down everything for an hour+ and it was at that time that my eye lids just simply could not stand to be open anymore. I rolled over and crashed. I stirred a bit later to see he had succumbed to sleep as well, so I repositioned him so he was on a slight incline and we slumbered together for about 45 minutes.

We awoke to Cars being over and he was quite perky. I gave him a bit more 'juice' and had him eat another half of a cracker. Then he jumped off the bed and brought back Toy Story from downstairs. So we put that on. He was definitely on the mend. We enjoyed more 7up and around 9:30 I allowed him a banana and he scarfed it. He has since switched to Madagascar and is running around playing in his room and mine. So it appears our little man is over the worst and is back to his happy spirits. I just remade his bed and he said 'thank you for making my bed, momma!' He was so happy to have his bed so he could 'hide' - I love him and I hate to see him sick. Hope we're ALL almost done being sick.

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