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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Happy Meal

They say whatever you eat in excess when you are pregnant will be one of the first foods that your child takes a liking to. Well, I ate my weight and then 40+ pounds of McDonald's french fries while I was pregnant. Now I've always been a McDonald's fan, but when I was pregnant I wanted it for every meal. It was nearly an epidimic - and let's not discuss how many Monopoly pieces I gathered during October. Needless to say Ace ate a lot of french fries. So it was no surprise to me when he took to enjoying our fries. We also recently have started getting him some chicken nuggets when we go. So the other day when I met my friend there I decided to get Ace his very first happy meal. His consumption of fries to nugget ratio was subpar on the nutritional value but he certainly enjoyed himself. He also enjoyed his first taste of cows milk. As McDonald's is not in the habit carrying goat's milk as on option. He enjoyed it all and when he was starting to interrupt mommy's conversation mostly done I gave him his toy. He had a blast with it. After we finished eating Ace got to play in the play area. It was pretty empty and he had himself a good time.


~*~ Melissa ~*~ said...

I lived on McDonald's when I was pregnant with my 2nd son too, and my body is still paying for it!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Aiden is such a cutie! Love those pics...

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I think every child LOVES McD's french fries... I swear they put something in them.

Brochure Printing said...

Who hates McDonald's french fries and chicken nuggets anyway? Those are probably the best things in McDonald's. And the Mc Chicken sandwich, of course. :D