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Friday, May 15, 2009

Food Poisoning!

Evil. Very very evil. I spent much of the early hours of Thursday extracting and evacuating the poison that riddled my body. Now I have had food poisoning before. In fact, I'd say I've had it worse than this latest bout of it. However, I've never finished a round with the porcelain god and had to go nurse my baby. Yes, due to the audible-volume of my gastrointestinal melody my son continuously woke up. A few of the times my husband was able to console him back to sleep without the aid of milk, but other times he just wanted me. Delightful. Around 5am I finally was able to hold water down and thus sent my husband to the store to get some Gatorade, because if I was going to continue to nurse with NOTHING in my stomach I better at least get some electrolytes in me. And Kix. Yes Kix sounded bland but tasty enough to consume. And between 6am and 7pm I consumed 20 kix. Yes, I counted. So I had roughly 2 bottles of Gatorade and 20 Kix. Yum a feast for the masses. Loving Husband stayed home from work and took care of Ace, thank goodness as I stayed in bed almost the entire day. Finally around 8pm I thought I'd better try something else. Loving Husband went and got me a parfait from McDonald's and was able to stomach that. I went to bed relatively early (for me) and managed to sleep pretty decently. Thank goodness. Today is slow going but I feel much much better.

I was really bummed because Thursday was supposed to be an all day jaunt with my friend Stacy on a Yarn Hop. We were going to head north and see parts of the state that I've never been too. So I'm bummed that I missed out on that. I guess next year we can go. It is still going on today, but alas my energy levels are just not up for it. And what do you get for reading this delightful stomach churning post? How about an adorable picture of Ace eating his first dill pickle! Yes he loved it, that's my son!


FROGGITY! said...

oh. mah. gah. are you feeling better?!?!?! i HATE food poisoning. hope your weekend is great... and fp free!

Crazee Juls said...

Triple yuck. Hope you get all the nastiness out soon! :) Hang in there..being sick is never fun. How wonderful is your hubby for staying home to help you out! A keeper for sure!!

Lori said...

Uggg! I remember the first time I had all night vomit. Garrett was sleeping through the night in his own room so I didn't have to feed him in the middle of the night. But, the next morning was awful. I called my mom. She came and watched him and brought him to me when he needed to eat. I have no idea how my body was producing milk. Now I have no mommy to come to rescue and vomiting is terribly awful with two kids.

Days of Whine & Noses said...

stopping by from SITS! hope you are feeling better~ I had my 3 year old's friend over today who pucked all over my house :( Her mom felt awful but it happens!

Design it Chic said...

Sorry to hear about that food poisoning. My doctor told me once that 1ts of Sprite early in the morning on empty stomach helps getting over food poisoning. I've never tried it before but my dad did and it worked. Now you have to ask your doctor as well but it is smth:)
Hope you'll get better in no time!

Happy Saturday!
(fellow SITS here, you know)

Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

Stopping by from SITS! I am a Follower now. I love your site. I hope you can visit me.

Kristen Andrews said...

that is the worst, feel better!

Organizing Mommy said...

Did you ever find out what caused it? Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for coming to my blog! Cute photos of your family.