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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

First Steps!

My baby girl took her first official steps today.   For the last week Mae has been taking one step and then plopping down... today she took three steps, we reset her and she did it again!  So we 'called it'  little Mae has taken her first steps at 9 months and 15 days old!   This mommy and her dad couldn't be more proud.   Even her brother is excited for her.  :) 

She's been a very good stander now for a few weeks and has been getting more and more steady.  She still has a pretty wide stance so walking will still take some practice with balance and footing - but I suspect within the next month she'll be on the go.  For now she still very much enjoys toddling around with an impressively fast crawl!    

There's no stopping her though - my baby is on her way!  In fact she actually climbed up onto a box the other day without even hesitating... her brother didn't start climbing heights until much later.   Siigh.  She's growing up too fast, but it's an exciting adventure! 

1 comment:

Carrie said...

yay for M!! she's so little! hard to believe that she's still so big :)