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Thursday, June 8, 2006


It's my last day in So Cal. The Movers are now here wrapping things up and packing them into the giant semi that's parked out in front of the house. I'm sorta cleaning around them as they go so that I can get out of here as soon as I can. Not that I was to leave So Cal that bad - I think you can gather that that is not the case. But just so my landlord can come and do the final walk through and I can go get some food. I am starving! I have a cup of water and some tangerine altoid sours. MMM...

After the movers are done and everything is out of here... I'll turn in my keys and go sit at the beach for a minute or two. It's the last time that the beach will be home for me. And although I have only swam the Pacific Ocean ONCE since I've called So Cal home, I still enjoyed many sunsets, tanning sessions and random late night frolics with friends. (frolics in the clean sense of the word, sickos!) So the beach I must make an appearance at before I leave.

Then I will head to PB and drop of my cable equipment and then on the road to Los Angeles the first leg of the road trip where I will arrive at Carrie's and CRASH - I am so tired, sore and just plain exahusted.

Good-bye So Cal!

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