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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rapidly Approaching 5...

It doesn't seem possible that my first born is registered for kindergarten - but it's true!   He will begin his journey in primary education.   He's already changed so much since his 4th birthday.   He's learning to read, he's writing more and able to copy just about anything.    He is learning to count to 100 and is pretty close to getting it down.   He has written out his numbers up to 66 without any assistance - he probably could continue on and get to 100 but he's been distracted by other parts of life!

Ace loves his Pre-K class and most days loves to go to school and see his friends.  Although every now and then he claims illness and doesn't want to go - but the fight is typically minimal.     He is for the most part a good kid in school, he has gotten into 'trouble' a couple of times for being too loud/wild but otherwise the report is that he is very thoughtful and kind.   Whenever I drop him off he is often very sweet saying "See you in a little while, Mom.  Have a good day!"  and followed by a big hug - that often if I am still in range he seeks to repeat and give me more. 

Ace is a bookworm in the making.  He loves storytime, books read to him, and he's venturing into reading on his own...ever so slowly.  Yes, Ace has completed two BOB books with minimal help from me and continues to love to be read to.  He is very much into listening to chapter books and loves the continued story aspect - although he doesn't always remember what happened previously but he appreciates the idea.   We have read: The Invention of Hugo Cabret (the first half so far),  Stuart Little, Charlotte's Web (just started this one) and I think his favorite thus far was: Tollins: Explosive Tales for Children.   

Mae and Ace get along pretty well and he is quick to forgive when Sister has wronged him.  "I forgive you, Sister."   Sometimes it's not the most enthusiastic forgiveness but he doesn't withhold it and they often quickly make up.    He has his moments of frustration that often result in tears when his sister is frustrating him to the brink - but generally he's a good sharer, kind and patient.   

Once Ace turned 4 he gained responsibilities and chores and he's been doing pretty good and often asks for more chores.  The chores that are consistently his are:  making his bed, clearing his place after a meal, brushing his teeth in the morning, and in recent weeks we've added in feeding Pixel.    He doesn't always do them without asking, but sometimes he does and it makes my heart smile at his willingness to help.   I love that he often asks for more chores.   It's sweet.

Ace loves to play outside, play video games, and most recently he loves to do Reading Eggs that helps with his learning to read.    It's great to watch him play and use his imagination.  My favorite is that he is always looking for flowers to give me - whenever he is outside.   He is just a sweet sweet boy.

Ace and his father have recently embarked on the discovery of Star Wars and introducing him into that world and he is always eager to do that with his dad.   At the moment he doesn't seem to have a favorite anything - he likes a handful of shows that stream on Netflix,  he loves to do school at home and learn new things, and loves for us to read to him.  

Summer is rapidly approaching and my boy will be five before I know it.   What will the next few years bring for us - I'm excited to find out!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

He's so cute! I can't believe how big he's getting! What a good kid :)