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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Second Trimester

It finally has arrived. The risk of miscarriage drops off considerably soon, the proverbial time all pregnant women hold their breath and wait for. Whew… 15 weeks is a long time to hold ones breath. I am nearing 16 weeks on Thursday and that means we officially only have 4 more weeks until we can find out the sex of the baby, but for me almost equally as important is the half way mark! Yep I'll be half way through my pregnancy. Hard to believe than in 24 more weeks we'll have our little one with us.I am looking forward to getting the nursery ready and getting everything in it. We're still a ways off from all of that, but it is painted and ready to go. Currently the kitties are enjoying it as their room. Hopefully that won't be too big of a problem later when they realize it is not.I'm excited for our next doctor's appointment which is less than a week away, looking forward to hearing baby for the first time. On Friday this week our baby's eyes and ears have moved into the final spots… so hopefully Baby will look less like a lizard his/her father thought s/he looked like at the last ultrasound.

In other news I am busying myself with web designing and learning new things while avoiding the actual code work In a bit I need to head to the kitchen and get started on making some meatballs for our Swedish meatball dish we'll be taking to community group tonight. Yum!

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