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Friday, September 30, 2005

Bar Results

None yet... But, as the end nears and the waiting period dwindles, I've been weighing and dealing with the fact that people don't really know the exact time in which I receive my results... Some of those close knew the date, but others I could simply put off letting know. Thus if I failed I had a few days to come to grips with that... Well, that's silly. Although prayer won't change the results, it will certainly help calm my nerves as the day approaches all too rapidly now for my stomach to handle. I was a wreck for a few months and studied like crazy, survived the test and did a happy dance and now I am back to being a wreck... ahh full circle.

The last 2 months have been relatively calm, but I woke up on Monday, with this looming dread over my head (sorry for the rhyme) and have yet to shake it entirely. It isn't always beating down on me... but it's there and I'm just plain nauseous.

On October 10th, between 8am-Noon the State Bar Association will be posting (or not posting) my fate. You all can find out at the same time I do (of course I will be awake far sooner than those of you who are not required to be awake before 9am) all you have to is go to the website you will know my fate, just the same as I will. It's simple: if my name is posted, I am happy. if my name is not, I am not happy. Meaning - if my name is posted on the website I have officially past the test to become a lawyer and the last hurdle I will have to endure will be the swearing in as an official officer of the court.

I just have this looming dread. I remember when I tried out for a team in law school and I was certain I had made it. When the email was sent out for those new members, I was completely shocked and had this sense of defeat as I read that email 10 times with no such luck of finding my name. That was for a team that I didn't even care about... THIS is so much bigger. I keep praying for peace about it - whatever will be will be, right? God has a plan and it's his choice, I did the leg-work... but sitting back and relaxing right now, seems like the biggest farce I've ever heard.

Thus, the ticker... you all can know and pray right along with me, up and until the moment I sign online... along with 900 other eager and vomit-pending test-takers.

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