A couple weekends ago I got the privilege to go with my friend
B and quite an entourage to go on a dress shopping adventure. It was a lot of fun but more note worthy was the fact that it was the
first time that I was away from Mae overnight. Yes, a week after Little M turned two I was out of dodge for 48 hours!
We're all a tad on the sleepy side as the Starbucks run hadn't yet taken place! |
We stayed in a nice vacation rental that D found for us and made our stay super affordable, we ate delish food everywhere we went, and the Bride found a dress after some fun mayhem of massive bridal shopping - and experience everyone should have! (There of course will be no pictures of that!)
After the dress was found, we enjoyed shopping around Portland in the Pearl District for a while. Back to the house for a screening of Bridesmaids and then a late dinner! We sat down to order our food at 8:30, ah to be kid free in a restaurant and dine at whatever hour you feel like! After we got home we watched Pitch Perfect and headed to bed. We rounded out our visit with a bit more shopping, some more yummy food and then an easy drive home!
1. Starbucks Pre-Dress Extravaganza, 2. Pear Cider at Savoy Tavern, 3. Photo booth!, 4. My crazy colorful bed, 5. In line for the bride, 6. Out shopping around PDX, 7. More shopping!, 8. A dress shop we determined B's dress was better than anything there! Success!!, 9. Ombre hot chocolate at Equinox
It was a great time with friends and Mae didn't miss me at all. Ace missed me a little more and it was sweet because before I left I told Mae to hug Piggy and Ace to hug his tiger if they missed me. Ace upon my return said "
Mom, I hugged my tiger a lot but I still missed you and it didn't help at all." Glad I was missed. It was good to be away, but even better coming home to big smiles and hugs. A big thanks to Loving Husband for taking Friday off of in order for me to go in the first place!!
I'm so glad you got to do that. Girls time it always refreshing. Looks like a lot of fun too!!
Thank you so much for coming along and being a part of my dress discovery weekend :) I will never forget it!
Such a great time!! :D
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