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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I hate money!

Guys what am I going to do?!?!?! This is what I was told today:

"Your stipend for each course taught will be $2100 per semester. At present, Jon believes that you will earn between $6300.00 to $8400.00 depending on enrollment and number of courses taught (If you teach 3 courses over the course of the year, it will be $6300, if four, then 8400)."

$8,400.00 a YEAR?! UMMMMMM I know it is PART-TIME, but seriously?! My LOANS alone are going to be around $19,000 a year!!!!!!!!!! I shot an inquiry back regarding a stipend for being the DOF - Cross your fingers that DOUBLES that figure you see there.

I have to go cry now.

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