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Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Best of 2004

Pals and other friends, I wanted to say that it has been a great 2004. I look forward to an even greater '05 which will include finishing law school (yipee,) taking the bar (ugh,) and (cross your fingers) passing the bar! I hope you all have a wonderful end to your year. Here's a recap of my thoughts on 2004.


Best Event: My Wedding!

Best Movies: Shrek 2, The Incredibles, Harry Potter

Best Over-Played Song: Hey Ya'

Best TV Moment: Friends Finale - Especially when the tape ran out with like 3 minutes left and there was sheer horror for all of us present. Good thing we were taping two things that night.

Best Book: East of Eden

Best New-ity of 04: GMAIL!

Most Shocking News of 04: My little brother's plans to wed.

MW's Word of the Year: Blog
Jo's Word of the Year: Clearly

Other Memorable Things of 2004 in no particular order:

1. I got a new car!!!!
2. My brother and his wife moved to North Dakota. :(
3. Shannon got a job at PL!
4. Carrie moved to LA. :(
5. Loving Husband got a job at That Electronic Maker.
6. Becky joined the Army.
7. I had knee therapy for 4 months.
8. Janae moved to TN :(
9. My brother bought a house.
10. We all started our lovely livejournals.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Saturday, December 11, 2004

I'm D-O-N-E!!!!

One more semester!!!! EVER! Oh I am so happy.
I must go celebrate.
Oh it's excellent!!!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2004

Merry Finals Season

December is here! Finals are here! But most importantly -- time to decorate and celebrate the holiday season has arrived. This season always makes my mood 100% better than it would be during any other time of the year. I love it. The icon is that of our home :) Yep, all decorated as of yesterday. Loving Husband helped me put up the tree and decorate that on Tuesday night and then in a method of procrastination I finished decorating the rest of the apartment. It is quite festive.

Update on Derek and Co....
The check has arrived! Now we just have to deal with the hold at the bank and in 10 business days they can have their home. However, nothing is smooth with my brother - as said previously they have FIVE dogs all which were bought well before they should have acquired the house, but now, 10 business days away from moving in, my brother - my oh so dumb but loving brother sold one of the dogs for $50! A STEAL (for the new owner). He paid over $300 for that dumb dog (the boy weenier dog) and they are trying to find a home for the Golden Retriever. And their logic? Oh yes that do have it. It is because the kennel fees are too big to handle. NOW. NOW they are deciding this - not before they paid $300+ for each of these animals, not before they paid over $500 in kennel fees for the last month - no NOW when they have 10 business days before they move in their home. Sigh -- and it isn't "Oh good now they will have three dogs" No you know, just as well as I, that they will simply go spend a different $300+ to replace the dogs.

Dead week is progressing nicely. I have about 300 note cards made - I know about 50 of them. My first final is on Sunday and my last one is next Saturday. 5 in all. I might be dead after next week -- but at least then I'll be able to officially say -- only one more semester EVER!

Thanksgiving was nice -- the inlaws were here. It was nice, but I like having our house to ourselves again. I hope that all of you had a nice Thanksgiving and that all is well. It's been forever since there has been substantial updates on these here journals. How are all of you?