Dearest Ace and Mae,
Mommy loves you so much. It seems impossible that you've grown so fast and that you find ways to surprise me every day. I love being your mommy!
Ace - you're constantly fixated on something and have an compulsive desire to satisfy it. Sometimes that means that you'll get into trouble for excessive pestering - you've heard the phrase 'asked and answered' a few times in recent months. But I love that you have drive and determination to set your mind on something and seek out multiple ways to accomplish it. Yes, often this is finding a way to go play video games - but sometimes it's to play outside, to watch a movie, to stay up past your bedtime to read. You are afraid to fail and I encourage you to not let that stop you. Always try even if it means temporary defeat - see it as an opportunity to strive toward betterment on the road to greatness. I adore listening to you learn to read. Nothing makes my heart melt more, Ace than when you stop in the middle of life to say "Mom, I love you." I love you too, Bear!
Mae - you're my sweet baby girl. You have tenacity and attitude rolled up into a ball of cuteness that makes it hard to get mad at you. Although I do wish you'd sit down in your car seat for me. I love that you, like your brother, have a desire for books. I love your sense of fashion and your driven purpose to dress yourself. Mommy tries to allow you the freedom to pick your style. It's important, even if the adults find your outfit choices to be puzzling. You're such a tiny articulate little girl. Full sentences, big words, bundled into your time frame is a sense of wonder for many and amusement and pride for mommy. Your soothing comfort is to touch mommy's tummy and while I know our time for that is nearing an end, I love it and I love you, Mae.
I love that the two of you play so well together - that you laugh hysterically at each other's antics, you tickle and wrestle, and that you Ace allow your little sister to copy you without frustration. Sure you have your moments - often surrounding Mae wishing to 'share' something of yours Ace - but for the most part you love each other and want to spend time together.
Why do I pen this letter to you? Because I love you and I want you (and I) to remember in years to come the little things that made you special in the now. You two are growing so fast. Mae, you constantly are already telling us you're three - even though you just turned 2 a few months ago. Ace, you'll be 5 soon and starting kindergarten. Time is so fast and yet so cherished. You two have my heart and as I said - I love being your mommy.
Your mommy