In just a month not much has changed, but when you look back at the last six months SO much has changed!
New firsts for Month 18: first chipped tooth, first full day away from mommy, a new puppy, another tooth finally breaking through, her first Popsicle and more words!
Yes, Mae has had an explosion of words including: shows, Pix (Pixel), coak (coat), hep (help), cap (clap), shoe (often said 'SHOOOOES!' very excited), cheese (the food this time, not just to take a picture), eat, poop, sheesh (fish), car, Pop Pop, Brrrr (bird, which has evolved from 'Bah'), wah (water), boo/book (she alters), cook, hiiiiii (she has become far more enthused saying hello), mar/more, uh oh, ball, rock, owww (owl), cheek, ear, eye, mouw (mouth), aff (off), cam (come), wak (walk), liiin (lion), chair, two, teat (treat), bed, nigh-nigh, doll, piggy, wee-wees (this little went wee wee wee all the way home!), hawt/hot (everything is hot even things that are cold) ... and I know there is more but that's all I've got for the moment. :)
In the teeth department we've had quite the excitement as well. She already was born with her front tooth fused with another one - causing a super giant front tooth that was misshapen. One evening when both her and her brother were sick and out of sorts - Ace was already in bed trying to sleep and Mae climbed up on him - he rejected this by pushing her off the bed and thus her overly sized malformed tooth became chipped - it now has a canine tooth look to it but isn't overly sharp. Here's hoping her adult tooth is normal up there! Mae also this past week FINALLY had a fifth tooth break through on the bottom. Hooray! Her brother by 18 months already had 12 teeth including his first set of molars. This has drastically limited Mae's ability to chew foods...
In the eating department - when she's not sick - she does pretty darn well. She loves chicken nuggets, fries, english muffins with peanut butter, cheese sticks (often if I ask if she's hungry she asks for "cheeeeeese" which is super adorable) she loves to suck on goldfish crackers and suck off all the salt (she is her mama's daughter!) and occasionally she'll consume them. She happily eats cookies of several variations. Yogurt is often consumed and where we hide her liquid vitamins! :) She enjoyed her first popsicle the other day at a BBQ and she did pretty good consuming some of it before it melted away. Mae for the most part will eat a little bit of anything but quantities are really sparse. So we try to entertain high fat/calorie concentrated foods.
Health wise we continue down a similar course of cold catching and continue to hope for the virus season to leave our home! She never truly gets out of sorts whenever she is sick and is so happy in spite of it all! She's such a sweetheart! We're hoping that the summer months will give us a break in colds.
Mae and her brother (and the parents) recently got a new puppy and he's tiny. Which is good because he loves to jump on Mae and although she is tiny, he's smaller and that's good. Mae has really warmed to him. Loves to pet him, bring him his toys, and recently wanting to give him his 'teat' (treat) which she does very well to let the dog lick out of her hand. It's pretty cute.
In the play department she wants to do everything her brother does. :) She does pretty good climbing up on things at the playground, at the lake she wants to wade in despite the consequence of going face first when the water gets too deep, and she loves to go on walks. On her own she loves to play with her dolls, be flipped upside down by her dad, and play 'wee-wees' which she'll ask for by name while wiggling her fingers over her toes. Yes, the timeless 'game' of 'This Little Piggy Went to Market' :) She is adorable and will do it to me too. She still loves her piglet but she's not as exclusive anymore with him. At bedtime she often wants multiple friends to hug and fall asleep with. She loves to read books at bedtime and her favorite still remains Goodnight Gorilla.
Mae this month also finally started to let me do her hair and leave it in longer than three seconds! If I just put a clip in on the side she'll still yank it pretty fast but pony tails of various heights and location seem to remain all the time with some varied results when she's in her car seat.
Mae is such a joy and we love her. She loves to jump (bounce up and down) and go for walks, and she knows almost all of her 'pieces' (head, nose, etc..) Every day she surprises us and always is smiling! We can't wait to see what the rest of this year brings us!
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