Saturday, April 30, 2011
A Circle of Fun!
Mae has been trying to stand since day one - no lie. She's getting pretty good at it these days too and so we decided it was about time to get her an exersaucer! She has no problems holding her head up (another skill she's been practicing since day one) and so with that skill mastered, we decided it was time to break out the circle of toys! And she loves it.
She loves to stare at the bee in the hive and she's pretty good at spinning things that go around. She played in there for a good amount of time completely content. I took her out before she was 'done' simply because I didn't want her little legs to get too tired. She has since enjoyed it a few more times since and it was equally as big of a hit. Her big brother likes it too and even gave her legos to have in the little container that is on it. He's a good sharer. I hope that lasts. :)

Friday, April 29, 2011
What is this weird substance of brightness coming from the sky?! Is it broken? I've seen it for more than an hour MULTIPLE days in a row? I'm confused... ((thinking back)) oh yes I do recall from being in So Cal that this may in fact be "normal" for other parts of the country. Yes, we are enjoying some GREAT weather here in Biloxi. On Monday we enjoyed a thunderstorm and that was fun - always spices up the rain and we rarely get them in our part of the NW. Thankfully, we are not anywhere near the latest devastation of tornadoes and we hope to keep away from any overly wild weather while we are here.
Since we're around such wonderful sunlight, we have found great ways to enjoy it - mostly going for walks to all the nice parks around here. The other morning we began by watering the lawn around 8am... since we're still adjusted to NW weather - 8am in Biloxi is just fine weather to run in a sprinkler... Ace had a blast.
We started off yesterday venturing to one of the playground areas that has a "little kid" play area (shorter slides, etc..) We took with us our little umbrella stroller, since I didn't want to break out the double monstrosity when Ace mostly wanted to run around and get energy out anyway. It was do-able but Mae got a bit shook up - the umbrella stroller not so great for sidewalks and 'off roading' into a park. More mall worthy. Ace was very excited to head out to venture to the playground.
Mae had a GREAT time feeling grass on her toes for the very first time. She was excited to get out and soak up some good vitamin d. She enjoyed the outdoors with mama while her brother scampered around on the playground equipment. We headed back after about an hour of fun.

Today there was a yard sale in our neighborhood, and there was a jogging stroller there for $40. Score. I love that I can turn around the 'body' of it so that I can see Mae. It also came with a car seat attachment so the main seat pulls out and this frame sets in and you just attach her car seat onto it. A great feature. Ace also can fit in it still - so I could put Mae in the Ergo carrier and he could take a ride in it as well.
We strapped Mae in and we were off to a few playgrounds and Ace was a busy boy playing around... while Mae fell asleep in her cozy new ride. It was a good sunny outing.
Later that day, Loving Husband and Ace went out and washed a car. Mae enjoyed reclining in her new stroller and I enjoyed documenting the boys fun with the camera. It was a nice day of enjoying sunshine... which I found out later this evening I had gotten plenty off. Hello sunburn #1 :)

Since we're around such wonderful sunlight, we have found great ways to enjoy it - mostly going for walks to all the nice parks around here. The other morning we began by watering the lawn around 8am... since we're still adjusted to NW weather - 8am in Biloxi is just fine weather to run in a sprinkler... Ace had a blast.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Yep, our little happy girl seems to have regular bouts of pain and excessive drooling and finger biting. Ace took about six weeks for his first tooth to pop through, so we'll see how long Mae's will take. Honestly her fussing fits are generally pretty mild compared to other babies I've heard about, so I can't complain. I just hope this process doesn't bother her too much. Since it will be a long road ahead for her.
Monday, April 25, 2011
A Stop by the Fishbowl...
Yes, on our road trip to Mississippi, we stopped in the great state of Utah and met up with my college friend, Lori. Now Lori and I keep up with each other's lives pretty regularly. In fact, I sometimes forgot that I never had actually met her oldest son - since the last time I actually saw Lori she was still pregnant with him. Crazy that with technology being so available that so much time can pass without actually seeing people. As soon as we determined we were making this road trip I knew that one of our stops had to be Utah. I didn't care if it added an extra day on the trip - it was a must! My husband had never met any of them, and our kids NEEDED to meet! It just was imperative and so we made it so!

Sunday, April 24, 2011
He is Risen!
How anyone can look at our sky and not believe there is a Risen Savior baffles me. Jesus died for our sins and rose from the grave today. What a beautifully painted sky he gives us every day. Happy Easter, everyone!

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Easter Festivities
That's tomorrow, right? Very true - but since we were embarking on this cross country adventure and I didn't want to haul with us two Easter baskets we participated in 'Easter' two weeks early at home. So when Ace woke up he got to hunt for eggs and we did Easter baskets. Tomorrow of course we will go to church and celebrate the true reason for Easter: Our Risen Savior, but two weeks ago we celebrated the commercial side of it. In fact I kind of like that the events are two separate events this year so that he can have the true meaning of Easter focused solely on that.
Ace once again had a great time hunting eggs. I went back and watched the videos from the last two years here and here and I just can't believe how much difference a year makes in his vocabulary! He's such a chatter box.
This was Mae's first Easter. She being too young to participate in much of anything hunt wise slept through that portion of the program - allowing us to have some one on one time with Ace for that. But upon her waking we certainly introduced her to the bright eggs that come with the territory and she did her own 'hunting' for a bit with some tummy time and eggs. :)
Mae then took a seat in her bumbo and got to survey her loot. While looking indifferent she became very partial to her little skunk. Ace's basket haul was featured in the first half of his egg hunting. He kept getting distracted by his new slinky (which was an excellent distractor for the car trip) his camera and the other small smattering of things he received.
We then spent the morning running around and playing with the things that they had received. It was a nice morning of fun.

Overall a very happy and fun Easter event for our family.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Ace and Mae Crossing the Country
For this adventure I spent several weeks preparing individual bags for Ace for each day that we were on the road. I made sure that he had something new and exciting in each bag. I bought some fabric with his favorite characters on it and made him some bags for each day. I filled each bag with several different types of excitement and each day he got a new bag. We did buy in a dvd player and a tray for his car seat as well. Both very good investments. Ace did GREAT! Honestly, he was very little issue and never once was itching or fussing to get out of his seat. Certainly happy to get out - but never once fussed or threw any fits about having to get back into the car. It was blissful. He was super excited each day to get a new 'surprise' and then at the end of the day was excited to get another bag to play with. I'd happily take another road trip with him.
Mae, our three month old little girl, did amazingly well for having very little wiggle room or understanding as to what on earth was going on. My little girl who is used to nursing to sleep and snoozing in my arms until she's ready to wake up, wasn't terribly pleased to have to get a snack and be plopped back into her car seat for more driving. She however was compliant and didn't fuss unless she had a need. Our day with her often went: feed at the first gas up before heading out. We'd usually get 2.5 hours in that stint of driving and then she'd need to eat again. She'd require us to make impromptu stops whenever she was poopy because she would FUSS quite loudly. She'd usually take another 1-2 hour nap after lunch and then she'd have awake time which usually required me to go in the back seat with the kids to just be around her because she was lonely. Overall she did wonderfully and while we had a few extra stops due to diapers or gas bubbles - she was amazing as well. We never were too off schedule on our drives.
Overall we had a great adventure and the kids did such a great job traveling those 3000 miles. Two happy kids, made for two happy parents. Loving Husband who did all the driving and this momma who did a good portion of the entertaining of said kiddos.

Road Trip
Our family is off on an extended adventure! The beginning of which was to travel from the NW to Mississippi... with two kids.... both under the age of three. Are we insane? Likely. But 7 days, 9 states, and 3000 miles later... we have arrived arrived!
So the big question was answered: we all survived! :) Yes we had a great trip. Ace did WONDERFULLY and for a very alert three month old, Mae did great as well. In fact, I think if it had just been Ace and the two adults that we could have made it even quicker. He did great in the car. There were even days we didn't break out the dvd player because he was content with other things. Mae required the more frequent stops usually stretches of driving would last no longer than 2.5 hours and then a stop was a minimum of 25 minutes. It wasn't bad.
We saw some beautiful country along the way! We took a non-direct route (or at least not the route when you put "the NW to Mississippi" into Bing Maps would take you.) our first stop was in Oregon to visit some folks and then we headed onto Boise, ID and then onto Salt Lake City to visit Lori and her family (a separate post on this exciting visit to come!) our next stop was Farmington, NM, then Amarillo, TX, and then Dallas TX and our ultimate destination: Biloxi MS. The last day was our longest in mileage but we pushed through until the end and did a-ok.
If I had to find a picture that would best describe each state in between home and MS it would be the following...
New Mexico
It was a great trip and it was a fun adventure as a family. Will we do it again? Well we do have to get back to the NW eventually. :) Posts on the kids adventures on the road to come soon!
So the big question was answered: we all survived! :) Yes we had a great trip. Ace did WONDERFULLY and for a very alert three month old, Mae did great as well. In fact, I think if it had just been Ace and the two adults that we could have made it even quicker. He did great in the car. There were even days we didn't break out the dvd player because he was content with other things. Mae required the more frequent stops usually stretches of driving would last no longer than 2.5 hours and then a stop was a minimum of 25 minutes. It wasn't bad.
We saw some beautiful country along the way! We took a non-direct route (or at least not the route when you put "the NW to Mississippi" into Bing Maps would take you.) our first stop was in Oregon to visit some folks and then we headed onto Boise, ID and then onto Salt Lake City to visit Lori and her family (a separate post on this exciting visit to come!) our next stop was Farmington, NM, then Amarillo, TX, and then Dallas TX and our ultimate destination: Biloxi MS. The last day was our longest in mileage but we pushed through until the end and did a-ok.
If I had to find a picture that would best describe each state in between home and MS it would be the following...

It was a great trip and it was a fun adventure as a family. Will we do it again? Well we do have to get back to the NW eventually. :) Posts on the kids adventures on the road to come soon!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
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My first trip to the blossoms |
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